Wednesday 11 November 2015

Some popular types of airsoft games

Airsoft has been a fun, thrilling and a great adventurous game since its advent. It is believed to have been development with the basic concept coming from the game of paint ball. However, this game of airsoft in UK has come a long way since its advent. Now the organisers and the enthusiasts constantly come up with many innovative games idea that can help make the game more interesting and thrilling. Below are the few most common and famous types of games playes :

  • Medic – This is a game to be played with a team which has huge team members. A game that runs for longer span of time. The basic logic is when a player is hit, then medic has to go and rescue else they have to keep lying on the floor and can’t be active.

  • Bomb – The base logic of the game is that one team has to place a bomb in the base of the opponent team, which would mean the opponent team is killed.

  • Capture the Flag – One person of one of the teams has a flag attached to his or her body and the objective is to remove the same. There are two versions of live flag and dead flag in this game. In the live version, when the person carrying the flag is hit, one of the other team member can take the flag and the game gets carried forward, while this is not possible in the dead flag version wherein the game ends with the person carrying the flag being hit dead.
  • President – There is one President in the game and others would be assasins and body guards. To win the game, the President has to reach a decided spot without getting hurt at all.
  • Zombie – This version surely adds a great dramatic effect to the game. The players who play humans have the objective to locate survivors and the hidden weapons. Teams can add more variations to the rule if they want. Rules for zombies being active and getting cured can be set as per the needs of the players.
  • Hostage rescue – This is again a very dramatic Hollywood feel game set up, wherein a person kept captive and the rescue team players would be on a mission to rescue the captive or hostage person safely back to the base. The levels or difficulties can be decide by the players.


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